Policy Report: CR33
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Ministry of Natural Resources
Crown Land Use Policy Atlas
Policy Report


The Sugar Lake Conservation Reserve is located east of the Town of Latchford within the Lady Evelyn River watershed. The values and uses within the reserve include canoe routes between the upper and lower basin of Lady Evelyn Lake and the roadless area that provides excellent recreation opportunities including remote hunting, camping, and angling opportunities for the public and Lady Evelyn Lake tourist operators. The conservation reserve also provides additional buffer protection to the adjacent Obabika River Provincial Park and East Lady Evelyn Conservation Reserve.

Sugar Lake was regulated as a conservation reserve on April 6, 2001.

The Sugar Lake Conservation Reserve also contains lake(s) designated for lake trout management. For a current list of designated lakes associated with this area, refer to the Inland Ontario Lakes Designated for Lake Trout Management (2006) accessible in the Source of Direction portion of this policy report


The land use intent for the Sugar Lake Conservation Reserve is to maintain the roadless area containing productive sports fisheries and canoe routes in small remote lakes, to prevent resource extraction, and to maintain the remote tourism and backcountry values within the reserve. Land use concerns include the management of existing land use permits.

The management area objectives are to protect the natural heritage values within the reserve and to allow the current number of Land Use Permits/patents or fewer if the Land Use Permits are not renewed.


Those uses and management activities not listed in the following table are governed by existing conservation reserve policy, the Temagami Land Use Plan (1997), and the Temagami Integrated Plan for Conservation Reserves (2007).

Any new uses, and commercial activities associated with conservation reserves will be considered on a case-by-case basis and will be required to pass a test of compatibility to be acceptable. Compatibility is normally determined through a planning process.

The following tables aim to present current information. However, with the passage of new legislation, updates to provincial policy, and the development of protected areas management direction documents, certain content elements may be out-of-date.

Commercial Activities
Activity Permitted Guidelines
Aggregate Extraction No  
Bait Fishing, Existing Yes Existing use permitted to continue if it does not impact the natural heritage values for which the area was established.
Bait Fishing, New Maybe New operations can be considered, subject to the 'test of compatibility'.
Bear Hunting by Non-residents (guided), Existing Yes Existing Bear Management Areas (BMA) permitted to continue. Transfer of BMA holder may be permitted. No new bear hunting facilities permitted.
Bear Hunting by Non-residents (guided), New No  
Commercial Fishing, Existing Yes Existing use permitted to continue if it does not impact the natural heritage values for which the area was established.
Commercial Fishing, New Maybe New operations can be considered, subject to the 'test of compatibility'.
Commercial Fur Harvesting, Existing Yes Existing use permitted to continue if it does not impact the natural heritage values for which the area was established. Existing trap cabins can continue.
Commercial Fur Harvesting, New Maybe New cabins are not permitted. New operations can be considered, subject to the 'test of compatibility'.
Commercial Hydro Development No  
Commercial Power Generation Development Yes  
Commercial Timber Harvest No  
Commercial Tourism (Services and/or Facilities), Existing Yes Existing authorized facilities can continue if it does not impact the natural heritage values for which the area was established.
Energy Transmission and Communications Corridors, Existing Yes  
Energy Transmission and Communications Corridors, New Maybe As per PPCRA Section 20. New energy transmission, communication and transportation corridors are discouraged within the boundaries of the conservation reserve.
Food Harvest (Commercial), Existing No No commercial food harvesting operations currently exist.
Food Harvest (Commercial), New Maybe Subject to further planning and the ‘test of compatibility’.
Mineral Exploration and Development No  
Peat Extraction No  
Wild Rice Harvesting, Existing No No commercial wild rice harvesting operations currently exist.
Wild Rice Harvesting, New Maybe Subject to further planning and the ‘test of compatibility’.

Land and Resource Management Activities
Activity Permitted Guidelines
Crown Land Disposition, Commercial or Public Use Maybe No new cottages, lodges or low-intensity tourism/recreation infrastructure (e.g., cabins, huts, warm-up shelters, campsites) permitted.

Sale of lands is not permitted. Renewals of existing leases or land use permits are permitted. Requests for transfer of tenure will be considered in the context of the Resource Management Plan. New leases or land use permits permitted for authorized activities.
Crown Land Disposition, Private Use Maybe Sale of lands is not permitted. Renewals of existing leases or land use permits are permitted. Requests for transfer of tenure will be considered in the context of the Resource Management Plan. Land use permits permitted for authorized activities.
Fire Suppression Yes All wildfire occurrences will be considered a high priority and will actively be suppressed until such time as policy directions change (refer to Forest Fire Management Strategy for Ontario, 2004).
Fish Habitat Management Maybe  
Fish Stocking, Native Species Maybe Conservation Reserves policy indicates that 'featured species management' may be permitted. No explicit guidelines are included on fish stocking.
Insect/disease Suppression Maybe Programs may be developed to control forest insects and diseases where there is a concern that significant values may be compromised.
Inventory/Monitoring Yes Inventories, assessments or monitoring programs should follow direction and methods established through MNR's Inventory, Monitoring and Assessment Reporting (IMAR) program and be linked to district sustainability objectives and initiatives or future recreational needs.
Prescribed Burning Maybe Prescribed burning will be conducted only under the direction of the provincial fire strategy and authorized for the conservation reserve under a separate vegetation management plan.
Private Recreation Camp, Existing Yes Existing camps permitted to continue.
Private Recreation Camp, New No  
Road Development and Maintenance, Existing Yes Existing authorized resource access roads can continue to be used. Unauthorized roads and roads that are no longer required will be decommissioned and rehabilitated to re-establish natural processes in these areas.
Road Development and Maintenance, New No Only applies to approved access roads required for forestry and mining outside of the conservation reserve, as per PPCRA Section 20.
Vegetation Management Maybe Forest ecosystem renewal and maintenance as stated for this conservation reserve under the Temagami Land Use Plan will only be entertained via a separate vegetation management plan.
Wildlife Population Management Maybe  

Recreation Activities and Facilities
Activity Permitted Guidelines
Aircraft Landing Yes Commercial Use
Private Use
All Terrain Vehicle Use, Off Trails No  
All Terrain Vehicle Use, On Trails No  
Campgrounds No  
Food Gathering Yes For personal use only.
Horseback Riding (trail) Yes Horseback riding on authorized trails is permitted.
Hunting Yes Hunting is permitted in accordance with the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act and regulations. For more information, visit https://www.ontario.ca/hunting. Some municipalities have by-laws that apply to hunting including restricting the discharge of firearms. Check with the local municipal office for details.
Motor Boat Use, Commercial Yes  
Motor Boat Use, Private Yes  
Mountain Bike Use Yes Mountain bike use on authorized trails is permitted.
Road Use (public), Existing No With the exception of snowmobiles.
Road Use (public), New No With the exception of snowmobiles.
Rock Climbing Maybe  
Snowmobiling, Off Trails Yes Existing use permitted to continue if it does not impact the natural heritage values for which the area was established.
Snowmobiling, On Trails Yes No groomed snowmobile trails permitted. Existing use permitted to continue if it does not impact the natural heritage values for which the area was established.
Sport Fishing Yes Recreational fishing is permitted in accordance with the Ontario Fishery Regulations. For more information, visit https://www.ontario.ca/fishing and review the Ontario Recreational Fishing Regulations Summary or Fish ON-Line to determine the seasons, catch limits and other restrictions that apply in this area including the location of fish sanctuaries.
Trail Development, Existing Yes Existing authorized trails (e.g., hiking, skiing, snowmobiling) can continue if they do not impact the natural heritage values for which the area was established.
Trail Development, New No No new motorized trail development is permitted; however, non-motorized trail development (e.g., hiking) may be permitted subject to a ‘test of compatibility’ and review through an appropriate planning process.


Note: MNR will consider the Land Use Intent and Management Direction outlined in this policy report when reviewing applications for permitted activities that require licences, leases, permits, or other forms of approval. The review of individual applications involves the consideration of a variety of factors and requirements on a site-specific basis in addition to land use policy.

Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act (2006)
Amendment to Area-specific Crown Land Use Policy #2008-010 (2009)
Approved Management Direction for Conservation Reserves (2013)
Amendment to Area-specific Crown Land Use Policy #2011-011 (2013)
Forest Fire Management Strategy (2004)
Temagami Integrated Plan for Conservation Reserves (2007) (2007)
Temagami Land Use Plan (1997)
Amendment to Area-specific Crown Land Use Policy #2002-001 (2003)
Conservation Reserve Policy (1997)

Cette Rapport d'orientation en français

This policy report is available online at the following address: https://www.ontario.ca/page/crown-land-use-policy-atlas

© King's Printer for Ontario, 2012