Policy Report: G2616
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Ministry of Natural Resources
Crown Land Use Policy Atlas
Policy Report
G2616: Caribou Lake / Wabakimi


This area is primarily near Caribou Lake with several parcels near the western limit of Wabakimi Park. It is utilized primarily for commercial tourism and public recreation. Resource extraction activities also take place. It contains prime lake trout lakes and tourist lakes. Outstanding issues to be dealt with in future management of the area are increased road access relative to existing tourist facilities and the regeneration of timber cutovers.

This area contains lake(s) designated for lake trout management. For a current list of designated lakes associated with this area, refer to the Lake Trout Lake Search Index accessible via the ‘Source of Direction’ portion of this policy report.

This area is subject to the Range Management Policy in Support of Woodland Caribou Conservation and Recovery (2014). The Range Management Policy is accessible via the “Source of Direction.”


The primary use for this area will be commercial tourism. Extractive activities such as timber harvesting, while growing in importance, will remain secondary. Road access will be managed to maintain commercial tourism and fish and wildlife habitat. Land use conflicts will be resolved recognizing the importance of commercial recreation in the area.

Management of this area is also governed by the general policies contained in Nipigon District Land Use Guideline (1983)


In addition to provincial and regional policies, the following local policies will apply to the management of Natural lake trout lakes:

- lakes shall have a 120 metre area of concern
- when feasible permanent forest roads will be located a minimum of 1.6 kilometres
- temporary roads will be destroyed after intended uses are fulfilled

Commercial Activities
Activity Permitted Guidelines
Aggregate Extraction Yes  
Bait Fishing Yes Additional licences will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Commercial Fishing Yes Expansion will be considered only if resources are available and if it will not conflict with existing or proposed commercial tourism development.
Commercial Fur Harvesting Yes Existing activity will continue and efforts will be made to increase the harvest to the existing quotas.
Commercial Hydro Development Yes  
Commercial Power Generation Development Yes  
Commercial Timber Harvest Yes Operating and annual plans will contain specific guidelines for the protection of tourism values and fish and wildlife habitat.
Commercial Tourism (Services and/or Facilities), Existing Yes Additional operations will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Mineral Exploration and Development Yes  
Peat Extraction Yes  
Wild Rice Harvesting Yes  

Land and Resource Management Activities
Activity Permitted Guidelines
Crown Land Disposition Maybe There are significant restrictions on land disposition on designated lake trout lakes. See specific direction in Crown land disposition policy (PL 4.02.01 Appendix A).
Crown Land Disposition, Agriculture No  
Crown Land Disposition, Cottaging No  
Crown Land Disposition, Rural Residential No  
Crown Land Disposition, Urban Development No  
Road Development and Maintenance, Existing Yes Road access will be managed to maintain commercial tourism and fish and wildlife values.
Road Development and Maintenance, New Yes New roads will be developed in a manner consistent with the need to access the area for resource production.

Recreation Activities and Facilities
Activity Permitted Guidelines
Crown Land Recreation Yes Existing level of activity will continue. A few new access points may be developed as new areas become accessible. Designated canoe routes will have 120 metre shoreline reserves.
Hunting Yes Hunting is permitted in accordance with the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act and regulations. For more information, visit https://www.ontario.ca/hunting. Some municipalities have by-laws that apply to hunting including restricting the discharge of firearms. Check with the local municipal office for details.
Road Use (public), Existing Yes  
Road Use (public), New Yes  
Sport Fishing Yes Recreational fishing is permitted in accordance with the Ontario Fishery Regulations. For more information, visit https://www.ontario.ca/fishing and review the Ontario Recreational Fishing Regulations Summary or Fish ON-Line to determine the seasons, catch limits and other restrictions that apply in this area including the location of fish sanctuaries.


Note: MNR will consider the Land Use Intent and Management Direction outlined in this policy report when reviewing applications for permitted activities that require licences, leases, permits, or other forms of approval. The review of individual applications involves the consideration of a variety of factors and requirements on a site-specific basis in addition to land use policy.

Amendment to Area specific Crown Land Use Policy #2007-025 (2009)
Range Management Policy in Support of Woodland Caribou Conservation and Recovery (2014)
Amendment to Area-specific Crown Land Use Policy #2014-007 (2014)
Nipigon District Land Use Guidelines (1983)
Amendment to Area-specific Crown Land Use Policy #2004-031 (2005)

Cette Rapport d'orientation en français

This policy report is available online at the following address: https://www.ontario.ca/page/crown-land-use-policy-atlas

© King's Printer for Ontario, 2006