Ontario low water conditions
Low water information last updated:
Historical conditions summary
Highest confirmed monthly level with downloadable data
View historical conditions mapLow water definitions
- Low Water Level 1: early indication of a potential drought condition.
- Low Water Level 2: increased likelihood of drought conditions.
- Low Water Level 3: high likelihood of drought conditions (does not imply an emergency).
Provincial conditions reports and indicators
Conditions report (ZIP)
Summarizes short, medium and long-term flow and precipitation conditions by region over the last 5 years.
Indicator maps (ZIP)
Summarizes short, medium, and long-term precipitation and stream flow by region over the last 5 years.
Indicator graphs (ZIP)
Summarizes precipitation and stream flow indicator statistics for select stations.
Some of the information in this website may not be compatible with assistive technologies because it is considered unconvertible or has not yet been made accessible. If you need any of the information in an alternate format, please contact the Natural Resource Information Centre.
Who to contact for low water information
Your local Conservation Authority may also provide local drought messaging.
Your local municipality is responsible for on-the-ground response.
If you live in a community that is not serviced by a conservation authority, any low water conditions in your area are issued by the nearest Ministry of Natural Resources district office.